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來源: 時間: 2020-11-06


中(zhōng)鋁國貿集團氧化鋁業務中(zhōng)心主要負責公司氧化鋁産品的銷售,氧化鋁質量執行中(zhōng)華人民共和國國家标準(GB/T 24487-2009)。主要開(kāi)展國内外(wài)氧化鋁經營業務,負責中(zhōng)鋁集團氧化鋁産品統一(yī)銷售,拓展氧化鋁自營業務,與國内知(zhī)名電(diàn)解鋁生(shēng)産商(shāng)建立了長期穩定業務關系,與全球頂級鋁業公司、貿易商(shāng)建立了友好的合作關系,營銷網絡及市場遍布國内外(wài)市場,氧化鋁産品銷售量位居國内前列。

Alumina Business:  Alumina Business Center is in charge of our alumina business.It mainly includes domestic and international alumina trade, unified distribution of Chinalco’s alumina products and proprietary trading. As China’s frontrunner in alumina selling with a big distribution network and business presence at home and abroad, we have long-term stable business relations with renowned primary aluminum producers in China and have partnerships with the world’s top aluminum companies and traders.




High-grade and Fine Alumina Business:  Chalco Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. and Chalco Qingdao International Trading Co., Ltd. are respectively in charge of domestic and overseas markets.It is mainly unified sales of Chinalco’s special aluminum hydrate, special alumina and high-grade and fine alumina products like zeolite molecular sieve and catalyst in China and overseas, as well as proprietary trading of such. We are the world’s No 1 seller with global sales networks and long-term stable cooperation with well-known Chinese and overseas producers.




版權所有 云南昆乾重工机械有限公司
